Figuring out what the universe is calling me to be

I can do anything I put my mind to. This means I have to chose carefully what I put my mind to. As I think into the future I see three different options as I prep for the online coach training starting in Oct.
– build the business I currently have (which has a purchase option on it from my partner). Use a patent I have filed to change the face of local food production. Use coaching and consulting to create vibrant regional economies based on local food production.
– become a life coach to veterinarians because we are a profession full of amazing, dedicated individuals who are suffering massively
– take a paradigm/model that I built into small businesses (along with TLCS coaching) to empower small business owners

I am not an indecisive person, but I want to make a choice that leads to building amazing value. I want to make a choice that brings all my potential to do anything I put my mind to into the world.