Getting Things Done after Burnout

I recently studied for an exam for an additional professional license and worked my normal full-time job. I put so much pressure on myself and noticed how snappy and emotional I was and would often stay up until 10 or 11 at night studying after a full day at work.
I did this for about 3 weeks and finally took the exam and passed last week.

Ever since, I have been sleeping a lot and numbing myself with wine, and binge-watching TV. I am ready to get back to my “normal” routine, be productive at work, and take back normal exercise and household chores. I feel very disconnected and unmotivated to do anything at this point.

I feel very lethargic even though I’m finally sleeping well again and am very frightened of slipping into a depression of sorts. I know beating myself up won’t work, but I can’t seem to concentrate my thoughts and become productive again.

How can I pull myself together and snap myself out of this lull?