Goal Indecision

How do I choose what my goals are when there are so many things that I want to do in the next 1-3 years and I currently think I am stuck on choosing because everything seems equally exciting or difficult.

I’m also judging myself for having this problem because I think it is a privilege to have choice/freedom to choose.
I want to travel, live overseas, have a home, have big adventures and also be able to invest in coaching. I’m having a hard time just figuring out what I want to do and feel like I have put so much effort into concentrating on enjoying the present or being “ok” with where I’m at (or at least trying to discover what my reasons are for the things I want in the future i.e. is this decision being driven by anxiety etc?)

I find just thinking about goals drives up my anxiety… I feel/think I am great at dreaming and I used to make more ‘snap’ decisions that sometimes felt quite anxiety/scarcity driven, I think I’m caught between wanting to take it slow and be conscious of what I’m choosing and why, but I also I want to have focus on the future…