Guilt – Unwanted or Indulgent?

Working on my homework, my unintentional Feeling is Guilt (re: mom…shock!). I had a hard time coming up with intentional thoughts and feelings to counteract this, so I was re-reading about Unwanted but need to allow vs. Indulgent feelings. Looking over the description of both, I can see it as either. Allowing the feeling of guilt may help me get through my mom thoughts (not sure how yet), but then am I just indulging in the guilt feeling because that has been my pattern for 50 years? Below is my Unintentional Model and my Intentional model for reference.
Unintentional: C – had one minute conversation with mother, T- I should have given her more time since haven’t talked to her for weeks, F – guilt, A-dwelling on it all day, R – not concentrating on work
Intentional: C – had one minute conversation with mother, T- I will catch up with her later (when not working), F – satisfied, A – focus on work, R – get work done.