He won’t marry me until I fix all my flaws –> I’m 100% lovable no matter what

Could someone take a look at my models? I’m working through the relationships workbook.

C: boyfriend, we aren’t married, we’ve been dating over 2 years, we live together, I call him my boyfriend, he calls me his girlfriend, we sleep in separate bedrooms because my choice is to not sleep with him because he snores
T: He won’t marry me until I fix all my flaws.
F: Broken
A: Dive deep into self development and coaching, add self imposed pressure
– Look to him for validation whenever I perceive I “fixed something”/make sure he knows I fixed it
– Seek to “fix”/grow myself only for his sake, not for my own personal development journey
– Motivate myself with hustle fuel, not purposeful motivating fuel, pushed by my fears not led by my dreams type of thing
– Beat myself up when my progress isn’t moving along as fast as I think it should
– Don’t bring up marriage in conversations
– I don’t love him
– I don’t love myself
– I judge myself
– I don’t acknowledge or accept my 100% worthiness and perfection, I attempt (and fail) to earn it
R: I don’t love myself.

C: boyfriend, we aren’t married, we’ve been dating over 2 years, we live together, I call him my boyfriend, he calls me his girlfriend, sleep in separate bedrooms because my choice is to not sleep with him because he snores
T: I’m 100% lovable no matter what.
F: Passionate
A: Return his models to him about not having proposed yet, we aren’t married yet, etc.
– Patiently wait and love him whether or not he will ever propose
– I love myself regardless of if he loves me or doesn’t, or if he loves himself or doesn’t.
– I supply my own love (I don’t go looking for love outside of me.)
– I do personal development work because it’s fun to challenge myself and expect more of myself, not because I need to be “fixed”
– I enjoy being with myself
– I love my decision to sleep in separate beds/bedrooms for my own sake because it’s for my highest good, not because I should/shouldn’t/reacting to a negative emotion
– I love him, and let him be who he is, without changing him
– I drop my manual for him around the timeline of proposal and marriage
– I give him the space to decide whether he wants to propose to me or not
– I’m wonderful if he doesn’t propose to me or marry me and I’m wonderful if he doesn’t
– I don’t put pressure on myself to change in order to be acceptable to him
– I accept myself 100% no matter what
R: I love myself unconditionally, and I love him unconditionally.