Help with articulating and measuring impossible goal

Hi Brooke,

I have a decent marriage, with a fair amount of good moments, but I’d like a great marriage. I’m at a loss, however, on how to even define what a great marriage would look like for me. I’ve become pretty good at acceptance and managing expectations, which I think is part of a great marriage but I also don’t want to accept the status quo with my own behaviors. I’m guessing what my impossible goal needs to focus on is how I want to show up in my marriage. I’d like to manage my thoughts better about his actions, inactions, mood, etc. I’d like to be more fun-loving, warm, and patient. Seriously, don’t know how to do this, or even if it’s possible, which is why it’s my impossible goal. 🙂

How do I articulate that and how do I measure it. Your thoughts and direction on this are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.