Help with a model request – TLM

Hi Brooke, I have been with SCS since April. I have gained SO MUCH from this work, yet resist to do the work. weird. What I am discovering about myself is that I have a real tendency to opt out of my commitment (which means I am not 100% committed in the first place). I have a tendency to go into the feeling of apathy really quickly when I feel cognitive dissonance kick in. I allow myself to go into a fog that looks and feels like smallness, victimization, and not living my best life. I really struggle with overcoming this tendency to do this “real time” (for example when there is a choice between one thing or the other like eating the candy or cupcakes or not); I can look back, when I go off protocol, and see clearly that I am self-sabotaging, but during the moments where I need to make a choice, I have really struggled to change my thoughts to align with the new identity I want to create: goal weight, vibrate, joyful, and lovely “new” me. The different person I want to be seems so BEYOND me. I know that change happens when I consistently choose to show up for me when the moment is at hand. Can you help me model this please? thank you!! xo