help with bridging a thought I currently believe but don’t want to…

My husband left me 3 1/2 months ago and is now back and wants to reconcile. He kinda fell apart while we were separated (drinking, debt) and I got stronger with SCS etc. so I’m having these 2 thoughts. One is “you have nothing to offer me”. I firmly believe this thought as long as he continues to drink and live the lifestyle he was living after he left. But he’s repenting of all that and is in counseling and treatment for it so I can easily turn that thought around. But this thought… “I don’t need him” is giving me some trouble. He’s my husband and I love him and I forgive him… and I don’t want to think this thought. But I am believing it. Because for 3 1/2 months he ghosted me in every way and I handled everything myself and proved to myself that I don’t need him. But being a Christian I believe husbands and wives do need each other, so I want to get back to a place where I do need him and can count on him and support and respect him. I am not able to go right to “I need him”. I feel like I’m in cautious, self-protecting mode as it’s early on in our reconciliation so maybe I just need to be patient with myself? Find a bridge thought?