Honest blogging

Hi – this is a follow up to my last question which was about coaching for validation and wanting to take a step back and just focus on writing honest blog posts.

That was a week ago and I have not posted on my blog yet. I finally wrote a rough draft yesterday but I felt a lot of shame after writing it. The draft is about my relationship with crafting – knitting, crocheting, quilting, etc. I feel ashamed that I have had such passion and obsession around a “silly hobby.” I know the shame I feel is being caused by my thoughts.

Crafting has been one of my main buffers in life, with plenty of negative consequences. I quit crafting 2 years ago because I was so sick of the obsessive thoughts, compulsive project work, overspending, and physical strain. Then I started crafting again in May as a result of coaching with Suzy. At first, I still really struggled with obsessing over it. But I kept at it, doing 100 urges and creating a protocol (how much time, how much money, committing to finishing a project before starting another). I am amazed at the results – I never thought I could be so un-obsessive about something but still really enjoy my passion for it.

But I feel really embarrassed thinking about posting this on my blog. I actually wrote some crafting posts in May and then deleted them. I feel like my blog should be about my other identity as a successful working mom with amazing time management skills, which is also something I truly believe about myself. But when I post about that it never feels like what I really want to be posting about, it feels fake.

But when I think about posting on my crafting passion/obsession and helping people find balance with that, I get a ton of negative self talk and shame. It’s silly, it’s stupid, it’s not important, etc.

Again, I know these are thoughts and I’ve already started doing some models, etc. but would love to get your response, too.

Thank you so much!