How do I love size 4, without thinking size 2 is the answer (especially when I hated size 8 two months ago)?

I’ve lost almost 19lbs in 9 weeks in scholars. Weight loss was my primary goal and I have the thought that on paper it’s gone well. I’m in the struggle with my feelings though and have thoughts that I cant lose more weight because of past weight history. I’ve gone From size 8 to 4 and now I have the thought that size 2 will solve all my negative thoughts (!). I’m only 1/2 way to my goal weight (I’m 5’2 and goal is 115) and am trying to find thoughts to help me make progress towards my goal. The thought I’ve come up with is that I want to be a size 2 but I know if size 4 doesn’t feel great, neither will size 2 unless I change my thoughts. My current thought is that I’ve stayed in confusion about this for a few weeks and the scale is still going down at a slower pace. But I want to change my thoughts about weight loss. How do I stay motivated?