How do you plan your time?

Hi Brooke,

How do you plan your time exactly? If I want to stop feeling overwhelmed do I look at my ‘to do’ list and then allocate the things on my to do list certain days to do them, so e.g. put them on my calendar. Then the day before sort out the timings. So for example write
7am – Get kids ready for school etc.
8.30 -10.30am gym, shower and get ready etc.
10.30-11am breakfast
11am -1pm work
1pm-1.45pm lunch
1.45-2.15 daily BC work
2.15-3pm washing / ironing / chores etc.
3pm leave to pick up kids etc.

Do you write it out like that and when do you do it? A day in advance/ week etc?

Thank you xxx