How is my model?

Would you be able to look at my models and let me know if I am ‘doing it right’?
I am trying to get good at them! and would appreciate any feedback so I can improve.
Thanks so much!


C: Impossible Goal of $250,000 in 2021
T: It feels ‘out there’ too far away to be able to conceive
F: Disconnected
A: My usual actions in my business
Nothing directly related to the goal or that would increase my income
R: I earn $85,00 again


Intentional model

C: Impossible goal of $250.000 in 2021
T: It’s happening!
F: Expansive
A: I do thought work everyday
I focus on becoming the person who make makes 250K a year in their business
I make 25 fails every quarter
I take new actions in my business
R: I earn $250K in 2021

Thank you!!!!