How To Love Myself

Hello- I just finished watching todays Emotional Responsibility Workshop. Additionally, I had a great one-on-one with private coaching. I have been feeling a lack of intimacy with my husband and have been going through the Relationship portion of the Study Vault. After today, I realize I need Emotional Responsibility work instead. Here is the model that came about for me today:

C- my husband and I talk about family
T- My husband is not sensitive to my feelings, doesn’t care
F- unloved
A- losing my temper, negative thinking, making threats, buffering
R- I threaten to leave the man I love, I am blaming him for not being capable of understanding me. I blame myself for not being able to explain my feelings in a way that he can understand.
F- I want to feel Loved
T – How do I do this for myself?

I am confused with why I don’t feel like I love myself. I exercise, my eating is not perfect but I eat pretty well. I am confident, and know why I love my business. I feel proud of myself. I spend time with friends and family, I read, I take baths, I meditate, and yet, I feel weary, and unloved in certain situations, particularly when it involves my husband. Maybe I could take more time for myself, but that doesn’t seem to fix the problem. How do I identify things that will make me feel love for myself? It seems to revolve around him and his actions.