"Husband is being pissy"

My models-Valentine edition 🙂 . My husband is used to my making myself available to him all weekend most of the time. He expects me to do all chores and personal stuff when he is at work during the week. Because of my unusually busy work schedule right now, and an upcoming trip that I have to pack for, and in order to spend time with my 16-year-old son who moved out, I have scheduled things on the calendar that don’t include him. He has made a number of comments about this, to the effect that I am not available all weekend (which isn’t true).

C Husband’s comments
T Husband is being pissy
F anxious
A argue with his comments, look for evidence that he is trying to sabotage my progress in life, second-guess my plans, people please, think about how I should respond to these comments

C Husband’s comments
T Husband wants to spend time with me and that’s OK
F loving
A don’t argue with his comments, look for evidence that he is seeking connection with me, stick to my plans, when he makes comments–ask him if he’d like to spend time with me on Saturday afternoon, give him a hug, talk to him about how I am spending my time doesn’t mean that he is not important to me

Thanks for any help you can offer with my models!