I find it difficult to say no to other people

Hello coaches,

I find it very difficult to say no when one of my friends asks me to do something me and I don’t want to. Most of the time, I accept or find an excuse to refuse.
I did a model on this. Could your please review it?

Unintentional model:
C: My friend says she wants to go on a trip with me
T: I don’t feel like going on this trip because we’re not interested in the same things but if I refuse, she’ll get mad at me
F: Trapped
A: I accept to go but I regret not having been able to say no. I ruminate.
R: I’m not honest with her

Intentional model:
C: My friend says she wants to go on a trip with me
T: If I say yes when I don’t want to, I say no to myself
F: Relieved
A: I tell her that I would rather do something else with her
R: My relationship with her is not based on a lie

Are these models correct? Why is it so difficult to say no to other people? How can I say no without feeling guilty?

Thank you for your help!