I Should Drink thought

Today I taught a class and only 4 people showed up. It is usually much bigger than this. My mind started in at a fast pace on what was wrong with me; really nice things like “you are a loser, no one wants to come to your class, your too slow, too old, people don’t like you, you should quit and then you should drink. I could drink. I might as well drink!!

I have been devouring the over drinking class, and was so thrilled when I heard that thought pop up in my mind. OMG, there it is, swirling in emotion that I don’t want to feel, from my own thoughts, and drinking could be the way out and make me feel better! It was 9:00 in the morning, so the promise was for later in the day, a reward for this “awful thing that was happening to me”.

Two things I want to report. I looked at those 4 people and decided that I was going to give 150% to teaching this class. They had showed up and I was all in and totally present with everything that I had. It was completely my choice, be empowered or be a victim. It was such a joy and a wonderful class. Did I drink tonight? No, because I did the work and felt clean by dinner time when I would have grabbed that drink, and besides I didn’t have a drink plan! I no longer “needed” to drink. Once again, feeling so empowered rather than victimized.

Thank you for teaching these amazing tools. I absolutely love the over drinking class, the calls especially. I am finding them invaluable. Today was a great day!!