I should stay at my job

I just realized this T – “I should stay at my job” – followed me in two circumstances!

Here are the two circumstances:

C: Feeling of hating my job
T: I should stay at my job (and feel better first before I can quit)
F: Pressure

Then… I found a way to feel good while working and now I have this one:

C: Feeling of liking my job
T: I should stay at my job (because I’m doing so well!)
F: Pressure (but less so)
A: I stay at my job, I am in indecision around whether or not I should leave my job
R: Stay at my job?

So neat to see that!

I have a lot of shoulds around staying at my job that revolve around different reasons, here are the ones I keep coming back to:

T: I should stay at my job because otherwise I’ll be a loner / won’t have any social interaction (and that’s bad)
T: I should stay at my job if I like it, because if I can do it then I shouldn’t give up my good salary
T: I should stay at my job because it’s easier than starting a business
T: I should stay at my job because sometimes I’m not even sure I want to do the business, so I should stay and keep chugging along

I would love some coaching around those reasons. I don’t like those reasons. I don’t want to stay for those reasons.

Sometimes I do want to stay for the “easier than starting a business” reason, but from my prefrontal cortex, I don’t.