"If I stop buffering, there won’t be any joy left"

I have made progress on stopping time buffering, but food and drinking buffering are getting worse and it still feels like whack-a-mole. I do have a lot of circumstances that a typical person would consider stressful, but I am open to believing that all circumstances are neutral.

C gained 7 lbs in 30 days
T “If I stop buffering, there won’t be any joy left”
F bummed
A look for evidence that I have to buffer to cope, look for opportunities to buffer, overdesire food and alcohol, overeat, overdrink, ruminate much of the time, indulge in confusion, look for evidence that my body wants to gain weight
R no joy

C gained 7 lbs in 30 days
T It might be possible to experience joy without buffering
F curious
A stop buffering, look for evidence that I can experience joy without buffering, plan activities that I enjoy, follow plan to do activities that I enjoy, stop ruminating, stop indulging in confusion
R experience joy without buffering

Wow, the IM feels like a stretch!