I’m going to be so tired today

I’d like help with my Result please:

C – went to sleep at 10.30, woke at 6am + was woken in the night by my child
T – I’m going to be so tired today
F – grumpy
A – ruminate on how I’ll be tired and it will affect my day. Resist sensations of tiredness in my body. Plan to have a nap and go to be early but be grumpy about that as I feel like it sucks time out of my day.
R – ??

Intentional model
C – same
T – It doesn’t matter how much sleep I had – I’ll have a great day no matter what
F – open
A – feel sensations of tiredness without resistance. look for ways day will be great. Decide it’s ok to have a nap if I need one – I have time.
R – I have a great day no matter what