January Scholars HW – turns out I love my life!

Hi! I’m really enjoying the HW this month. I’ve been doing TW for maybe 18 months now and this exercise is really showing me what a difference it makes.

The bulk of the thoughts that are coming up for me in my daily HW are loving and compassionate and excited and curious. There are some ways I want to change my life, but my brain keeps adding on helpful thoughts. For example “I want my house to be more organised…and I’m learning the skills to achieve that”. I’m thinking compassionately about past fails and about how much I achieved when I thought very differently about myself. I can see how these more compassionate and supportive thoughts are creating the results I want in my life.

I never thought I would be able to think and feel like this about my life and now I completely believe it. I also know now that I am the only one who gets to decide what story I tell about my life. Big love to you for creating and sharing this work!