Lack of support from husband

Hi Brooke,

I am having trouble following my protocol on the weekends because I spend more time with my husband, who isn’t very supportive of this whole process. We have been married for 2.5 years but have been together for 11. He is not familiar with this work and thinks that this is a “starvation diet” when I do intermittent fasting. I do meal-prepping and plan all of my food, but on the weekends he wants to be spontaneous. He refuses to plan ANYTHING in his life, especially food. He does not have an overeating issue per se, but he only wants to eat unhealthy processed food. I prepare healthy meals during the week, but on the weekend he wants to go out or order food. If he wants to get pizza, I will often have a piece but also eat a large salad with it. I know that this is better than my previous binging, but since it is not what I planned, it is probably missing the entire point of not acting on urges. We spent many years eating fast food or desserts at night, and he is still in the habit of wanting that food. Every night he says that he wants it (even like an hour or two after eating a nice dinner that I made), and I tell him I am not hungry. He seems gets upset at me and says that I don’t eat enough. I tell him I will go with him if he wants something, but I am not hungry. He never ends up going and getting what he wants and I feel that he resents me for it. This is really driving us apart because we used to love watching TV and eating. I now realize though how pointless the mindless eating was, but he does not.

I feel that my life has improved so much with this work and have lost 32 pounds so far! But it is revealing that my husband is very bored with his life and is dependent on eating unhealthy junk food. He has no interest in losing weight or being healthier and never cooks for us, despite having a very strong family history of diabetes and heart disease. Some days, I feel that I may just be selfish for doing this work and maybe I should stop. I really don’t want to feel overweight, sluggish, and sad anymore, but I am a people pleaser and want him to be happy. How can I work through this with the model?