The Last Word on Power

I just wanted to comment that the book you mentioned, The Last Word on Power, finally got me over the hump on the December assignment. It was near the end of December, I had done the monthly work, but I was depressed really about the list of 25 fails for the first quarter. I knew I couldn’t do many of them, not from fear, but because there aren’t enough hours in the day, even if I skip sleeping or spending time with my family. It was the same reason I hadn’t seriously tackled this dream for 5+ years. So I went back and listened to the original videos where you mentioned this book, but didn’t recommend we read it. But it had helped you, so I got a used copy for less than $5. A light bulb went on as I read! I was skipping over the “become a different person with a different context” part, thinking the “different person” was one who worked harder/longer, but essentially doing the things I was already good at that had advanced my career so far. Once I started to grasp what you were talking about (from that book), I scrapped my list of 25 things and started over, and only two of the original things have made my new list so far. I’m excited now about this new list. It still looks impossible, but I’m excited to try now and see where this leads. Anyway, I just wanted to suggest to anyone reading these “Ask Brooke” questions (who might be stuck) that they get that book and read about the stages of becoming this new person. It might help them “get it” better like it helped me.