Life coaching for non-functioning mental illness?

I have a family member who really struggles with mental illness – specifically severe anxiety that is so debilitating that they rarely leave home/are always in and out of outpatient treatment/constantly cycling through different medications.

I know your work is targeted at people who are already functioning and want to take their lives to the next step, but do you think this would still be helpful for those who aren’t at that level? SCS has helped so much with my anxiety that I want to suggest your work to them (even just the podcasts!) but I wanted to check and see if you believe it would even be helpful at this point for them? I was in therapy for years and it didn’t seem to help – doctors constantly wanted to put me on medication (but because of my family member’s experience with withdrawal I refused) and it wasn’t until I started listening to your work that I found clarity, but I know this isn’t exactly what your company offers, and want to be sensitive to what I suggest since I am in no way a professional!