Living With Someone Else’s Clutter

Ugh I’m having such a difficult time adjusting to living with someone after living alone for 2 years. I moved in with my boyfriend like a little over a week ago. I love to have bright light, air, space, and am very minimalistic. My boyfriend worked to purge a little before we moved in (I didn’t ask) but didn’t really get rid of much but I have been trying to not have a manual for him so I let it be. I personally purged a lot of stuff and only took what I could fit in the car and figured we would buy furniture when we got there.

Now we’ve been here for about a week and half and I’ve unpacked all my stuff but we still need some furniture to be able to put some things away however I’ve unpack as much as I can and neatly organized what I can into areas to the best of my ability. He still hasn’t unpacked but his stuff is all over the place, on the counter and all over the bedroom floor. Friday I had neatly organized everything to the best of my ability and then left for the weekend and when I came back it was everywhere again. I waited to see if he would clean it up but didn’t so when I needed to work Tuesday evening I cleaned off the counter (to have a place to work) and placed all the clothes on the floor either in the dirty hamper or in the clean hamper so I could walk around. He then asked me not to move his stuff.

I don’t want to have to ask him to clean up his stuff but he doesn’t want me to move it. Am I supposed to just get used to living in clutter or how do I navigate this situation? I’m confused and it’s freaking me out. It reminds me of my mother who was a hoarder and I would asked her to move her stuff off the kitchen table so I could do homework and she would get mad and so I would just move it and she would be mad. Is there a third option here that I’m just missing? I don’t even know where to start with a model.

Thank you in advance!