Loved the Coaching Call Today

Just wanted to let you know that the coaching you performed today was so meaningful to me. So thank you and the ladies who showed up for all of us.

Also wanted to let you know that the work surrounding feelings gave me a win tonight. At the bewitching hour of any home with children I had the impulse to grab a beer. Instead, I sat down and described what my body felt like (rapid heart beat, tightness in my chest, brain looking for more problems to get upset about) and I named it (anxious and irritated). Then I described what I wanted to feel (calm), described what I that would feel like and the thoughts that I needed to deliver that feeling to me. It took time to allow my thinking to affect my physical feeling but I did it!!!

I am still going to have my beer an hour and a half later. But now I am having it because I have found my calm with my thoughts and I just want to enjoy a beer. Because. Intentionally.

Your ideas are amazing.