Major Event – Not so major…

Brooke! THANK YOU! Here I was sitting here placing all this importance on something that I thought was big because it happened. Not because I was making it big in my life. I think I have been taking things and dissecting them too much. Making them more difficult than they really are. Once I look at it as a whole it doesn’t matter what happened or when and then I am able to just let it all go. You are absolutely right! I am staying in someone else’s business and neglecting my own just because I am making it more of something than it really is! I think mainly because my brain wanted to stay in victim mode. I can choose to make this just “an event” and not place any real importance on it since I don’t really have to. I hope I am making sense. It made me think though. This is the difference between really looking at life and saying that your life is a good one rather than a troubled one. Right? I mean everyone has events that are both positive and negative (that whole 50/50 thing that goes on). It is how we choose to look at those events and mentally move through them that determine our ultimate perspective.

The model you presented really makes sense to me. Thank you!