A man asked to coach with cue (cue freakout!)

Hi Brooke, and Happy 4th from your SCS in Canada!

Sooooo, I’m the one who wants to pay off my $50k in debt by the end of the year. I’m committed to making this happen. I’ve been taking massive action and it feels good, although no clients yet.

Except, a man sent me an email asking me if I coached men. *CUE FREAKOUT* He found me through a colleague and was very interested in what I do because in the specific place he came across me, it said that I worked to “empower women”.

Here are my models:

C: Man asked me if I will coach him
T: I don’t coach men
F: Anxious
A: Tell him I don’t coach men/refer him to someone else
R: Don’t get experience coaching a man

C: Man asked me if I will coach him
T: If I can’t help him, it will mean I’m not a good coach
F: Anxious, scared,
A: Tell him I don’t coach men/refer him to someone else
R: I am not personally able to help him

But there’s a part of me that thinks “it doesn’t matter if he is a man or a woman, you empower PEOPLE to love themselves, build trust and faith in themselves and that is universal. You have the model, you can do this”. And then I ran these models:

C: Coaching man (or woman)
T: I’m not experienced enough to coach/help anyone
F: Defeated, stuck, fear
A: Decline opportunities to coach people
R: Don’t coach anyone, get no experience

Someone has asked me to help them. I want to help them. I know that I am not trained officially as a coach, but I’ve done a lot of reading and taking classes/workshops and have been in SCS since the beginning. I want to use the model, your teachings and my own experience/expertise to not only coach myself through this but to also help this man. How can I give him the best of what I’ve got, coach my butt off and not let my fear prevent me giving this guy incredible value?

