Model clean up

Hi, I am having trouble with this model and would appreciate your help to clean it up. Context: my children got accepted to the school I wanted them to get in.

Unintentional model

C: School application for new duty station
T: I’m not the main financial contributor to their education
F: Unworthy
A: I minimize my work, I minimize my accomplishment, I congratulate others, I do not congratulate myself, I do not celebrate internally, I compare to what I wish I would be able to provide.
R: I do not contribute the way I want

Intentional model

C: School application for new duty station
T: I had the vision
F: Satisfied
A: I celebrate with myself, I give myself what I need, I take time to welcome the piece of news, I am not minimizing my success, I share it with friends and family, I rejoiced. I am present with the success.
R: I celebrate my vision