Model question-overlapping feelings in A/R lines

Hi Brooke, 2 questions here:
1) Can feelings also overlap into Actions/Results lines? (see UIM below)
2) I attempted an IM, but am struggling to find a thought that leads me to my desired Feelings of peaceful/forgiving.
Thanks for your help.

Unintentional model:
C: ex boyfriend
T: he disrespected me
F: victimized, angry
A: Avoid going to certain places in case I bump into him; I walk around feeling angry
R: I don’t live the life I fully want to live; feel ashamed for allowing my feelings to dictate my actions

Intentional model:
C: ex boyfriend
T: ????
F: at peace, forgiving to me and him
A: Go wherever I want
R: I get to live the life I fully want to live