Model repetition

Hi Brooke,

I tend to repeat my models a lot and don’t really find thoughts that make a change. I’m able to plan everything in most areas in my life (family, home, sports, food… anything). But in this new area; Not just making art but also sell it, I’m still not secure. I’ve set my goal to sell my art last summer.

My unintentional model:
C: Artist
T: A real artist spends at least 3/5 days on her art work
F: Inadequate, shame
A: I’m not strict with my art-work planning
R: My production stagnates (could be more)

Intentional Model:
C: Artist
T: Every artist has to decide for herself what time she spend on her work, so do I
F: Relieved, motivated
A: ? (I love to write here: ‘painting more’, but it’s not the true)
R: Higher production.

It doesn’t feel right.

In the meantime I have been able to make my own website (never done before and a challenge for me!), have asked for help with making pictures of my paintings, and then made them and used them on my site. I’ve also been to an art-gallery that invited me to show my work. I have spoken with art-specialists, and brainstormed about my target market etc. It’s not that I’m indulging on the sofa!
It feels almost like a Calvinist work ethic issue; a real artist should work many hours, and suffer:-)!
What is going on here?

Please, if you can shine a (big) light on this…

Thank you so much,