Models feedback on “foot in my mouth” moment at work today.

Any feedback on these models? I haven’t felt shame in a long time and it totally sucks.

{UIM I wish I had done 2 months ago.}
C: Co-worker sends email to me.
T: I’m sick of her always criticizing me.
F: Annoyance. Anger. Disrespect.
A: Don’t respond to the email to get more information. 2 months later quickly try to deal with the email before our meeting today but needed more info so I did it wrong. Overreact to her in the meeting when she says I did it wrong and criticize her for how she communicated in her email.
R: I am sick with shame over how I criticized her.

{UIM on the thought I was having in the meeting after criticizing her.}
C: Criticized co-worker in a meeting about her email to me.
T: I am completely overreacting to her email by blaming her for how I felt when I read it, but I create my own feelings!
F: Shame
A: Be totally distracted all day at work thinking about what an immature jerk I am but also trying to justify why my reaction to her email wasn’t overreacting.
R: I am overreacting to my original overreaction!

{IM I’m working through tonight.}
C: Criticized co-worker in a meeting about her email to me.
T: I will find a better way to communicate next time.
F: Inquisitive
A: Run models on a thought download regarding the situation.
R: Realize that I didn’t even need to communicate with her because I was making her email mean more than what she was trying to say.

{IM tonight}
C: Criticized co-worker in a meeting about her email to me.
F: Forgiving
A: Stop thinking about this mistake and not make it mean that I’m an immature fraud. Be kind and not all weird with co-worker.
R: I forgive myself and move on.

Jenny L.