Monday Hour 1, I get nothing done part II

Hi! I’m new to scholars this month. I found few other models that I did on the same problem and wanted to include them. I’m stuck and I don’t know how to see this differently. Any thoughts, feedback would be great! Thanks for your help!

C: My son is home from pre-school during COVID

T: I can’t seem to stick to my schedule and get anything done while my son is home. I want to spend time with him, but I really need to get things done. I feel so unproductive and that stresses me out.

F: I feel defeated, frustrated, overwhelmed, irritated, guilty

A: I give up at some point and stop even trying when the day seems to feel hopeless. I buffer, waste time, check the news, FB

R: I get nothing done

C: My son is home from pre-school during COVID and I’m setting my weekly schedule with Monday hour 1.

T: I have way too many things on my plate. I don’t have enough time to get them all done.

F: Overwhelmed, frustrated

A: Buffering while eating sweets. Not even hungry. I don’t even try

R: I stay shut down and get nothing done

C: same

T: I’m not good at keeping a schedule. I inevitably fail. I’m just not good at it.

F: Defeated, resistant to change

A: I don’t set a schedule, bc I don’t want to fail

R: I get nothing done