Moving forward on business

One of my DOTD’s is to rekindle a business that I have started and stopped over the last year or so. I am working towards a goal to pay down outstanding debt and this is one of the ways I intend to take action to do that. However, I notice that this is a trend – I intend to do these things but because I’m ‘restarting’, I think there is this perfect or ‘right’ way to do this and then I don’t do anything at all. It’s not just in this instance either.
C: Restarting my business
T: It’s so tacky to just restart/post on social media out of the blue
F: embarrassed
A: don’t post, don’t reach out to past clients, don’t educate and offer value
R: No results, nothing tried to evaluate what might work, not serving clients

C: Restarting my business
F: self confident
A: Reach out and thank old clients, Ask if they need anything, create a regular schedule to post on social media to help/educate/inform, brainstorm actions to take to reach my goal
R: Have results to evaluate from the actions I’m taking

My brain is so stuck on this rut that I’m having a hard time figuring out how to shift this. Part of me knows that if my intention is to offer value and help(which it is), it doesn’t matter. It just gets blurry in my mind because I’m selling something. Looking for insight as to where to go from here. Thanks!