My thoughts and I


I just realized that, I’m rarely alone with my thoughts.

I mean, I do the daily work in the morning and that’s probably the only time I’m truly in my head.

Once I’m done with that — I noticed that I’m always doing something.

Listening to music
Listening to a podcast
On social media
Researching business stuff
Watching pointless videos
Watching educational videos
“Working” on things

But rarely am I just there, me and my thoughts.

So today instead of listening to a podcast, I was just there looking at a Christmas tree and people walking around.

I started feeling really anxious.

Like I needed to do something.

Look at my phone or just work on something.


Some thoughts are
– I don’t want to waste any time
– I should be doing something
– There’s a lot to do

I think I can get deeper with this.

What I find funny is that I have these thoughts but a lot of what I’m “doing” is just consumption.


I’m wondering what else I should be asking myself.