Negative Thoughts About Upcoming Move

I have moved 3 times in the last 4 years and have to move again because my landlord is going to sell the home in the Spring. I’ve had very negative thoughts about this move. I did 3 unintentional models and one intentional model. I would like feedback on my models…especially the Results line which I tend to have more difficulties with. And if you have further suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

Thank you so much!

Unintentional Model 1:
C: Move out of my home April 1st.
T: I can’t believe I’m here
F: Troubled
A: I ruminate on all the wrong decisions I made, I shut down, I judge my life, I don’t see beyond my present circumstances.
R: I’m trapped in my head and thoughts about my past.

Unintentional Model 2:
C: Move out of my home April 1st.
T: It’s all my fault that I am where I am.
F: Guilt
A: I think of all the wrong decisions I made in my life, I punish myself, I tell myself that I caused this so I should suffer the consequences, I cry, I shut down, I avoid, I want to sleep so I don’t have to face it.
R: I create more evidence of my faults.

Unintentional Model 3:
C: Move out of my home April 1st.
T: I want stability (and should have it by now)
F: Irritated
A: Judge myself, look and focus on what went wrong in my life, I shut down, I don’t focus on solutions and current options, I reject options quickly, I close my mind.
R: I create more instability in my life.

Intentional Model
C: Move out of my home April 1st.
T: I create the next best chapter of my life in a new home.
F: Optimistic
A: I open up to the possibilities, I consider homes with new set of eyes, I keep my head up, I focus on positive, I let go of the negative.
R: I set the foundation for the next best chapter of my life.