new thoughts

Hi Brooke
do you know that everytime I sit down and try to write a question here I hear your voice replying in my head and stop?
That’s how much I listen to your podcasts and read and love your material. That’s how much it is now ingrained in my mind .
So I think about my question of the day and the fact that it looks stupid when I write it down. I imagine you frowning at me and looking at me in the eyes and saying: you know what you need to do.
Because all I ever need is to put all of this into practice, and as you say, apply it to my life.
That’s the problem, my problem. For sure.
Because I know what you are going to tell me or teach me. And I know it is right.
But sometimes, even when I know that I can do hard things, well… it’s hard.
Sometimes I think I don’t have what it takes. Sometimes I cry all afternoon and wallow in my resistance. I feel something is wrong with me and I try to coach myself out of it, but some days it wins.
Then I go on a walk and listen to your podcast and your voice is the only thing that lights that little fire in me again. But I need to make this fire bigger and feed it daily.

I bought a little notebook which I named “Things I want to believe”

Please, can you help by suggesting some new thoughts for turning my pain into power. I need to work on my business and make it work. I need to do this no matter what. I need to believe it.

Lots of love and gratitude