Not doing the model,Being a Model

Ok so my impossible goal for 2018 is so embarrassing that I cannot bring myself to be live coached on it…….yet. I have alway, always wanted to model. I tried ONCE…when i was young and ran away at the first sign of rejection. My impossible goal for 2018 is to be paid for a print modeling job. I am 55. Yes that’s right…55. Its too embarrassing to tell anyone as i know i will get the eye When doing the work for my goal back in December….i really thought about my hearts desire…without judgement. And thats what i want. What i didnt realize at the time is that Mature Print Modelling is a REAL thing. There is actually a market for it! And what is great is that you dont have to compete with 20 year olds….no one expects you to be perfect. So Ive been answering some casting calls on a reputable forum called BACKSTAGE as part of my 25 fails for the quarter and im actually getting responses!! Getting responses! I am frozen. I cant seem to move past this point. Part of my plan is to get headshots. I know where to go and what to do. I just cant seem to pull the trigger. I keep telling myself….wait till my hair looks better….fix my teeth,lose weight,its feb in ny its freezing and i look like a ghost,etc,etc. Last night i heard in one one of your podcasts…”Done is better than perfect”….ive been waiting for perfect my entire life and thats why it doesnt get done…i want to do it…whats the worst that can happen…what if they look at me like im out of my mind…so what….Im just so scared. Scared of rejection….but even more scared of success. Thank you Brooke for your insight…Kerry