On Trust and Uncertainty

Hi Brooke,
Would like your thoughts on handling uncertainty in relationships.
Abey talks about trust meaning “trust the laws of the universe”
And I believe you believe things happen for us and there are no mistakes

I am in a situation where I am being ‘called” to trust/create trust/be trustworthy in a special friendship. I have been known to “go to the dark side”… in the past…assume a negative outcome- this is not a useful thought pattern and I am committed to changing it.

He has asked for space due to family issues, and he does have some pretty heavy family issues right now.

Unintentional thoughts
C- Friend has asked for space while he sorts out family issues
T- I think he wants to break up our friendship and this is just his way of saying so
A-behave inconsistently, not as a friend should
R- I break up the friendship through my mistrust and actions

T- I love him and will give him space, and be there when he needs me
A- behave as a good friend would
R-continue the friendship

Can you help with this one- a variation- reveals more of my dark side that I need to re-think

C- Friend has asked for space while he sorts out family issues
T- I believe he is lying to me
F- really scared
A- can’t sleep
R- ?I am lying to him if I call myself a friend?

T- Whether he is lying to me is none of my business (???)
T- He is an adult and is allowed to behave as he wishes (??)
F-sad, mistrusting…

T- I am OK with letting him be who he is, I am willing to go neutral on this while he sorts things out, staying his friend
F-neutral yet committed to friendship
A- stay in friendship, be there when he needs me
R-Carry on as a good friend, letting him be who he is


Then after I find a few helpful thoughts, do I paste these around the house (like I do with thoughts more related to myself?) and practice them?
