
I overate today.

C Overate Indian food to +4 on the hunger scale
T I can’t do anything right
F Defeated
A Distract by doing a model, don’t go for a walk, worry about weighing in tomorrow, ruminate about how I suck. Don’t proactively set up my week, isolate…defeated does not get me motivated to take action that’s for sure.
R I don’t take the right steps to get back on track ASAP

I know why I overate. I was frustrated with traffic, I had just paid $250 for some dental work, and my taxi each way was at least another $20, and I had to buy a few home supplies on my way home. I was thinking about money, and how everything is so expensive and I feel like it is so hard to just live. It feels unfair.

C Money was spent
T Everything is too expensive – and, so what, right? I eventually want to quit my corporate job so I can start my coaching business, and when
things cost so much money I feel like I can’t. I think that feeling is scarcity (or trapped?)
F Scarcity (which I think caused a thought about wanting to eat now, which caused the urge)
A Went into a fog and overate to buffer
R I have no idea

Maybe I have no idea because I buffered instead of feeling the emotion? Please help.