Overwhelm while eating & listening

Hi there. I am a double diamond. I report here a thought download and an unintentional model of a situation that came out repeatedly. So I work at the university and I am having a meal while following some learning material, like an online workshop on mathematical methods.

C: having meal, listening to workshop
T download:
– I am not good enough to make the progress I would like to make
– I wanna make my own podcast, still have no clear ideas on how
– Figuring out how to do it takes lots of energy
– Figuring out these mathematical approaches requires a huge amount of energy
– There is so much I still don’t know
– I need to understand all of this to make a difference in my work
– I dont have the capabilities to learn all of this
– Learning all of this will require a level of discipline that I am afraid I don’t have
– If I am afraid not to have discipline I am not confident enough, I have too many aspect of my life / personality / brain that need to be fixed in order to move forward
– My capabilities fall short on this

## Unintentional
– C listening to the conference material
– T I don’t have the capabilities to learn all this
– F lost
– A eat with rush
– R The way I show up with food can become an obstacle in my learning process

## Unintentional
– C listening to the conference material
– T There is too much I need to figure out
– F overwhelmed
– A eat with rush
– R The way I show up with food can become an obstacle in my learning process

I guess what creates these emotions is the “I need/I have to” part of it. Some coaching suggestions around this? Thanks