Paying for school fees through new business / Making things mean things they don’t mean

Hello amazing coaches,

One of my sons is going to a private school in September. My plan is to make money from my business and use that to fund some of the fees. However my business is not (yet) generating that income and it is making me anxious that my business is not “where it should be”, “generating enough income” and is “failing”. I realise that I have linked the two: school fees and earning money from my business, but that I don’t have to link them, I can unlink them if I want!

So this is how my models look:

C: I have school fees to pay
T: Think I’m failing because I haven’t earned money from business to pay for fees.
F: Feel inadequate
A: Not setting/resetting financial goals as feel I have already failed.
R: not earning money from business

C: I have school fees to pay
T: What are all the ways I can earn that extra money
F: excitement
A: make a list, am open to opportunity
R: I relax about how the money will come to me.

I can see the my UM is quite muddled in its thinking. Can you help?