Podcast #49: What you do vs. Who you are

Hi Coaches,

This podcast REALLY hit home with me, and I think it is what’s behind most of my issues. I work in the medical field and spent 10+ years in school and training. For that decade, I was told to believe that this work was my life. And I believed it. I sacrificed friendships, time with family, and even my body by overeating in order to stay up longer and study. Now that I have been out of training and in the workforce for a few years, I enjoy my work, but I allow myself to become very absorbed in it and I take it home with me. This causes strain in my marriage. I also have been having thoughts of “Now what?” Because I sacrificed so much to achieve my career goals, I let so many other things suffer in the process. I feel so guilty about not having a lot of close friends, not starting a family yet, having a mountain of student loan debt, and missing out on traveling. I am 30 years old and I feel like I am behind in life, like I have nothing outside of work. I should be so happy, and I seem accomplished on the outside, but inside I just feel empty. Where do I go from here? How can I be proud of my accomplishments, while also focusing on making MY LIFE great?