Private Coaching And Urges

I signed up for June a week or so ago and have started the Urge Jar program and Stop Overeating. I’d like to utilise the 20 minute private coaching calls in June. Do I have to wait until June to book these in? I can see them on the app anywhere. I’m having trouble really feeling urges as I have two tiny humans to look after I am constantly distracted and doing things I think I may just be noticing but then getting distracted so they keep coming back. I’m just starting to get into The Model and recognise my thought processes but would love some help. I have a massive ‘tired’ story – ‘it’s so hard because I’m exhausted’ ‘ my babies don’t sleep I can’t control that’ ‘I can’t stop myself because I’m so tired’ but now I realise I can choose not to think these thoughts, they aren’t facts! I don’t binge on junk food, I just eat too much food almost unconsciously- like I’m prepping food for my kids and before I know it I’ve grazed my way through the fridge on fruit, nuts, cheese, veggies,dark chocolate etc. and then am like ‘how did that happen??’ I don’t even notice the thoughts that lead to it? So I don’t really feel urges like Brooke describes them. I think it’s more like this constant chatter in the background on low volume, it’s subtle so I’m not noticing it until I’m doing it? Then the negative thoughts flow on overdrive !! I’ve never been really overweight but it’s still an issue for me and a symptom of my behaviour which I want to change. I just want to be free of this! I’ve just had a baby and want to lose 15kg (that’s my impossible goal)