Problems of the Privileged! Finding Solutions. Great Podcast From Brooke This Week.

So I sit on the side of the road, speeding cars and truck going by at 80 miles an hour. I just hit a pot hole on the Long Island Expressway and have a flat tire, and I’m alone.

Only signed up for triple A a few months ago because a friend said I should. Could not believe I was in this situation. My body reacts to this trauma with hands shaking and mind goes blank. Could not think of membership numbers, phone numbers or even how to use my phone.

Brooke’s podcast this week spoke to me. I realize without knowing it I was scrolling through scenes in my mind.

I could not get triple A, they do not go on the Expressway. I did ask for help from the right people. I have a relationship with a garage, people were happy to help me, and I’m whole again.

My problem is I immediately go to something went terribly wrong and I’m alone and won’t know what to do. Then the body kicks in and confirms that.

Now, just like what Brooke said, I’m on my way back to Connecticut and I am fearful and feel vulnerable it may happen again. I’m sure the potholes are not fixed. I have to do more coaching around this issue.

What’s my question? No question really, I know I need to be more confident in my thinking. I’ve got my back…even when I don’t believe that.