Protocol for Online Shopping

Hi Brooke,

The wisdom you share here has helped me tremendously in many areas of my life. The Stop Overeating workshop alone has transformed me to ‘A Less-40-Pounds Me’ once I realized the primitive brain chattering and learned how to manage it.
Truly, after trying every diet program on the market, overeating is no longer an issue for me.

My next take-on issue that I am ready to deal with is stop online shopping. Here’s how the routine goes:

I am blocking time each day to work on writing my book. I take a few moments before that time comes and check Instagram feed of some fashion bloggers I follow, and proceed to search for new items they are wearing, jewelry, or shoes.
Everyone seems to look better, cooler, and more fashionable than me.
I easily find those items online, and an hour later I owe the credit card company few hundred dollars more and my book manuscript still hasn’t generated more words.

So after doing Thoughts Download for both avoiding writing and the online shopping these are some of my thoughts:

T: If I will stop follow these bloggers I will not be as updated about the fashion trends and looking good is important to me.
T: Writing has always been difficult for me.
T: Even writing badly is difficult for me.
T: Part of my worth is how I look so it’s important for me to dress well.
T: I love fashion and clothes.

So when it came to food protocol I cut out flour, sugar, alcohol, snacking, and I do intermittent fasting for two months now.
Perhaps I haven’t noticed that my dopamine hit is still answered by the online shopping.

I reckon that if I find that online shopping is the highlight of my day, that I got my life wrong.
It may be that until I make it as a writer I found my temporary worth in how I look and dress.

I am trying to see how do the overeating rules apply here and what can I do to create a protocol for online shopping and writing.