question about upper limit

Hi, Brooke. I think I’ve heard you talk about the upper limit in the past. I have achieved more than I ever thought possible already in my life: built business that earns $140k a year for four years running (fulltime); currently working on a phd (fulltime); lost weight and keep losing; great kids; marriage is a bit of a mess (not hostile; could be more). Overall, I’d say things are going well. I have wanted to diversify my work so I have more of my time back but I honestly can’t picture the HOW. I would love to grow to $200k, but I know it can’t be based on the same 1 on 1 consulting. I’ve thought about developing training for topics in my niche, but feel resistance one of which is TIME to develop. I’m looking forward to April’s topic as I am hoping it will give me new ways of thinking and organizing myself. Any suggestions for a new thoughts around this would be awesome. Thank you so much.