Quick check Sept

Hiya – Before I post my accountability for September, I just want to say that I’m so down with all of this. I really think it’s brilliant the way you intentionally set up the program so as not to make it too simple. I love that you made it so right from the start we have to practice constraint and not allowing ourselves to get overwhelmed. I am already learning so much and can’t wait to see what 30 days of this will do.

My goal is to stay on protocol for 30 days and I will know I have achieved this because I won’t have overeaten in the entire 30 days.

I’m 27, 5′ 6″, weigh 132. I’m more focused on the relationship I have with food and I’m not very concerned about my weight, but I did feel better and lighter at 126. Is 125 a good goal weight to measure how well my protocol is working for me? Even that pound makes me nervous, so I feel like maybe that’s a good thing!
