Quitting the Guilt/Shame Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

I’m working with the amazing new thought, “It’s time to show what I’m capable of,” to help me make progress on my dissertation.
It helps motivate me in the moment and feel determined to get work done. That part is working well!
However, when I’m not working on my dissertation (working at my full-time job, taking well-deserved breaks, etc.) I feel shame and guilt that I haven’t made more progress. And when the next deadline looms, I PREEMTIVELY FEEL SHAME AND GUILT about a deadline I haven’t even missed yet.
When a deadline is approaching, I feel shame that I might not meet it. Sometimes I even find myself using it as an excuse to let the deadline slip by, because I’m feeling guilt and shame anyway about it. Weird! Is this relatable or common?
I know I’m a human and not a robot. Being more perfect is not the goal! (And science and thinking takes time and effort, not always on a perfect time table).
The thing that I need to change most is my THOUGHT PATTERN.
I’m a badass person (like all my fellow scholars) and need some guidance on laddering my thoughts away from this preemptive guilt/shame pattern.
Thank you! <3