Reached a surprising negative place in my intentional model. Now what?

Unintentional Model:
C – Not enough money to meet monthly expenses
T – I’m a victim of this circumstance./I’m a victim of money.
F – Victimized, Helpless, Incapable
A – Don’t take any action to change my money situation.
R – Nothing changes. /I’m a victim of my thinking about my money.

Intentional Model:
C – Not enough money to meet monthly expenses
T – My choices are powerful./My money choices are powerful.
F – Responsible/Burdened by this responsibility/Scared that the responsibility lies solely with me.
A – Freeze like a rabbit when you surprise them in your yard.
R – That powerful choice leads to no results/ no change in my money situation.

Seems I’m thinking and believing that my money choices are powerful, but only for the negative. This Intentional Model shows me that I don’t believe in my power to create positive change in my money situation. Is this where I would employ ladder thoughts? If so, I haven’t yet found any that I believe enough to shift my thinking around my money situation.