Relationship confusion

Ok I’m feeling confused about thought work in regards to a relationship. I’m in a newer relationship, and we have different interests and lifestyle but we have similar values and we work through challenges really well. We are easily able to hear each other and always feel more connected after a big talk. But we have “big talks” where we both say how we feel/what we want ect about 1-2x a week which is a lot since we are only seeing each other 3x a week. These talks are about topics like: spending the night, when we will be official, if I will be ok being around his cat all the time, how we do feel ect. Lately I’ve been noticing that I feel a little dread before seeing him and feel disconnected from my normal happy self after we hang out. I know that these feelings are generated by my specific critical thoughts about him and the situation ect. But I’m confused about what to use as a reference point for making decisions about the relationship. I know that I could coach myself to feel “acceptance” and “understanding” and focus more on my thoughts that generate positive feelings, and I do. But then what do I use to asses if the relationship is what I want if ….. I’m not relying on my feelings from my thoughts— and for me, that is where “wanting something or not” comes from. And then I feel like if I’m just a critical person this is likely how I will feel with anyone and then it really is my work to do. That part I know and I’m working on it. But how/what do I use to figure out if I want to be with HIM specifically. I’m willing to do the work just not sure about how to balance thought work in this situation. I guess I’m asking what trusting yourself/intuition looks like when we are able to generate new thoughts…